6.1. Gde JAWS čuva postavke?
6.1.1. Istražimo My Settings, Program Files i Shared Settings.
6.1.2. Ekstenzije datoteka koje koristi JAWS.
6.1.3. Podrazumevane (Default) u odnosu na specifične postavke aplikacija.
6,2. Brza podešavanja (Quick Settings) u JAWS (ranije Adjust JAWS Options Dialog Box).
6.2.1. Okvir za dijalog Brza podešavanja.
6.2.2. Stepen trajnosti (Persistence Levels) Brzih podešavanja.
6.2.3. Izmena stepena trajnosti na celokupnom čvorištu.
6.2.4. Istorijat izmena (History of Changes) u Brzim podešavanjima.
6,3. Centar za podešavanje (Settings Center)
6,4. Kako da pokrenete i zatvorite centar za podešavanja (Settings Center).
6,5. Pregled različitih delova prozora Settings Center - centra za podešavanje.
6.5.1. Combo Box - kombinovana lista aplikacije.
6.5.2. Uređivačko polje za pretraživanje.
6.5.3. Tree View - prikaz u obliku stabla.
6.5.4. Tekst pomoći u oblastima koje su samo za čitanje.
6.5.5. Panel za prikaz konfiguracije.
6,6. Vežbe - Korišćenje centra za podešavanje (Settings Center).
6.6.1. Promena postavki za odjek tastature (Typing Echo) u podrazumevanim postavkama.
6.6.2. Promena postavki za Virtual Ribbon Menu - virtuelna paleta sa ikonicama.
6,7. Poslednja promena podešavanja.
6,8. Spisak JAWS Managers - rukovalaca JAWSom.
6.8.1. Dodela prilagođenog isticanja.
6.8.2. Prilagođena obeležja.
6.8.3. Brisanje prilagođenih obeležja.
6.8.4. Brisanje svih prilagođenih obeležja.
6.8.5. Prilagođavanje List View - pregleda u obliku liste.
6.8.6. Dictionary Manager - rukovaoc izgovorom reči
6.8.7. Pregledač okvira (Frame Viewer).
6.8.8. Graphics Labeler - grafička obeležja.
6.8.9. Keyboard Manager - rukovaoc tastature.
6.8.10. Označavanje boja u Brajevom prikazu.
6.8.11. Brzi tasteri za navigaciju.
6.8.12. Stvaranje oznaka za navođenje (Promopt).
6.8.13. Research It - Pokreni pretragu.
6.8.14. Script Manager - rukovaoc skripti.
6.8.15. Centar za podešavanje (Settings Center)
6.8.16. Settings Packager - pakovalac podešavanja.
6.8.17. Alatka za letimično čitanje
6.8.18. Promena Window Class - klasa Windows-ove kontrole.
Čuvanje podešavanja korišćenjem brzih podešavanja (Quick Settings), centra za podešavanje (Settings Center) i liste JAWS rukovaoca (managera).
U ovom modulu ćete naučiti gde JAWS čuva korisnička podešavanja (user settings). Takođe ćete naučiti razliku između Settings Center - centar za podešavanje i nove mogućnosti uvedene u JAWS 13, Quick Settings - Brza podešavanja i kako da koristite spisak JAWS Managers - rukovalaca JAWSom.
6,1. Gde JAWS čuva postavke?
6.1.1. Istražimo My Settings, Program Files i Shared Settings.
U nastavku ću mnogo govoriti o čuvanju promena u JAWS pomoću raznih JAWS Managers - rukovalaca JAWSom. Kako i gde JAWS čuva ove podatke? U većini slučajeva JAWS skladišti bilo kakve promene u vašu ličnu fasciklu na računaru. JAWS ovo radi u pozadini. JAWS skladišti datoteke u tri različite oblasti (pominjali smo ih ranije). Njima se lako pristupa, čak i ako neznate putanje, korišćenjem "Explore JAWS" podmeni (submenu) programske grupe JAWS. To su:
All Programs u početnom meniju (Start Menu), JAWS grupa:
- Istraži lične postavke (Explore My Settings). Ovde se čuvaju vaše lične postavke, uključujući i sve skripte koje ste napravili.
- Istraži programske datoteke (Explore Program Files). Ovde se čuvaju datoteka JAWS-a.
- Istraži deljene postavke (Explore Shared Settings). Ovde se čuvaju deljene datoteke.
Kada pritisnete ENTER na Explore My Settings, Windows Explorer otvara spisak svih datoteka koje je JAWS sačuvao ili izmenio a koje se primenjuju na korisnička podešavanja (user settings). Putanje se razlikuju zavisno od verzije Windows-a. Ako želite da saznate tačnu putanju, otvorite Explore My Settings folder (omotnica, fascikla) i pritisniteALT+D da se pomerite na adresnu liniju Windows Explorer-a. Tamo ćete naći putanju.
Pritisnite ENTER na bilo koju stavku Explore JAWS u JAWS grupi da otvorite Windows Explorer i pronađete datoteke koje vam trebaju.
6.1.2. Ekstenzije datoteka koje koristi JAWS.
Ovo su samo neke od ekstenzija koje JAWS koristi:
- JDF, JAWS Dictionary File - datotekerečnika.
- JGF, JAWS Graphics File - datotekegrafike.
- JCF, JAWS Configuration File - configuracionedatoteke
- JKM, JAWS Key Map file - datotekesa prečicama.
- JSS, JAWS Script Source file - izvorne datoteke skripti.
- JSB, JAWS Script Binary file - binarne datoteke skripti.
- JSD, JAWS Script Documentation file - dokumentaciona datoteka skripte.
- JSM, JAWS Script Message file - datoteka skripte za poruke.
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6.1.3. Podrazumevane (Default) u odnosu na specifične postavke aplikacija.
Kada otvorite neki od JAWS Managers-a - rukovalaca JAWSom u nekoj specifičnoj aplikaciji JAWS pretpostavlja kako želite da izvrštie izmene specifične upravo za tu aplikaciju. Dakle, JAWS otvara (ili pravi po potrebi) datoteke sa imenom kao i aplikacija. Na primer, ako iz Notepad- otvorite JAWS Dictionary Manager - rukovaoc izgovorom reči, JAWS otvara NOTEPAD.JDF. Ako koristite Word for Windows i otvorite JAWS Settings Center - centar za podešavanje, JAWS otvara datoteku za WORD. Opet, ako ova datoteka ne postoji, JAWS je stvara automatski u pozadini i sačuva je u odgovarajuću fasciklu, sve u pozadini.
Napomena: Promene koje koriste Brza podešavanja u JAWS-u su uvek specifična za aplikaciju. Kada želite opšta, globalna podešavanja koristite Settings Center - centar za podešavanje. -
Sposobnost da birate između specifičnih i globalnih postavki daje nam kao korisnicima ogromnu fleksibilnost u korišćenju JAWS-a sa raznim programima. Na primer, možda želimo da čujemo kako se izgovara znak veće u programskim jezicima, ali ne i u programu za čitanje elektronske pošte. To su specifične postavke. Ali, šta ako JAWS ne izgovara pravilno vaše ime? Verovatno bi ste želeli da napravite pravilo u rečniku za JAWS kako bi vaše ime izgovarao ispravno u svim programima. Ovakva promena je potrebna u podrazumevanoj DEFAULT JAWS rečničkoj datoteci.
6,2. Brza podešavanja (Quick Settings) u JAWS (ranije Adjust JAWS Options Dialog Box).
Šta su Brza podešavanja i kako ih razlikovati od centra za podešavanje? - INSERT+V otvara Brza podešavanja, sa interfejsom koji je jednostavan i lak za korišćenje. -
- -
- - -
- -
Opšta podešavanja za sve aplikacije se vrše u Settings Center - centru za podešavanje. -
- -
- Brza podešavanja (Quick Settings) su zamena za raniji okvir za dijalog Podesi opcije JAWS-a (Adjust JAWS Options), i osmišljen je da olakša izmenu specifičnih podešavanja za aplikacije kao i podešavanja pojedinačnih dokumenata. Sa Brzim podešavanjima (Quick Settings) sada imate mogućnost da lako:
- Promenite podešavanja za pojedinačna dokumenta ili aplikacije.
- Utvrdite da li će izmene imati efekta nakon zavšetka JAWS-ove sesije, kada se računar ponovo pokrene, ili kada novi prozor bude u fokusu.
Napomena: Brza podešavanja, takođe eliminišu potrebu za INSERT+SHIFT+V (lična podešavanja Web-a (Personalized Web Settings)) i INSERT+CTRL+B (podešavanje opcija Brajevog pisma (Adjust Braille Options)) pošto su "personalized Web settings" i "braille options" pogodnosti uključene u Quick Settings.
Sa Brzim podešavanjima možete da napravite:
- Trajne promene vezane za aplikaciju ili dokument.
- Privremene promene koje traju dok traje i JAWS sesija.
- Privremene promene koje traju dok se ne prebacite na drugi program.
Sledi nekoliko primera koji pokazuju koje koristi možete da imate od različitih stepena trajnosti:
- Prijateljica koristi vaš računar nekoliko minuta, a njene postavke se razlikuju od vaših. Ona koristi različiti nivo informisanja i odjek tastature. Možete da podesite JAWS promene da važe samo dok je njena sesija otvorena. Kada vam vrati računar, samo isključite i ponovo pokrenete JAWS i vaša se postavke vraćaju na uobičajene.
- Kada preuzimate veliki fajl (datoteku) i želite da vam obaveštenja iz trake napretka budu nečujna. Uobičajeno, traka napretka vas obaveštava o napretku. U ovom slučaju možete da podesite stepen trajnosti tako da je traka napretka nečujna sve dok fokus ostaje u tom prozoru. Čim se prebacite na drugi prozor ili program, saopštenja trake napretka se vraćaju na uobičajeno.
Napomena: Stepen trajnosti se ne može podesiti kod podešavanja pojedinačnih dokumenata. Podešavanja dokumenata će uvek biti upisana na disk.
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6.2.1. Okvir za dijalog Brza podešavanja.
Hajde da pogledamo okvir za dijalog Brza podešavanja prvo u Notepad-u (beležnici).
- Otvorimo Notepad odlaskom u okvir za dijalog Run. Pritisnite WINDOWS Key+R. Otvara se okvir za dijalog pokreni (Run). Ukucajte notepad, i pritisnite ENTER. Otvara se Notepad.
- Pritisnite INSERT+V. Okvir za dijalog Brza podešavanja se pojavljuje. Fokus je u uređivačkom polju za pretraživanje. Možete da se vratite na uređivačko polje za pretraživanje sa bilo kog mesta u Brzim podešavanjima pritiskom CTRL+E.
- Pritisnite INSERT+T da pročitate naslovnu traku prozora Brza podešavanja. Čućete obaveštavanje "Quick Settings - NOTEPAD". Sve promene koje smo napravili se odnose isključivo na Notepad, zato što je to bio prozor u fokusu kada smo pritisnuli INSERT+V.
- Pritisnite TAB. Fokus se premešta na panel sa postavkama prikazan u obliku stabla. Ovde se nalaze različite stavke koje možete da podesite za Notepad. Prva grupa stavki za Notepad su General options (opšte opcije). Ovde možete da pronađete i druge velike grupe kao što su postavke za pogodan OCR (Optičko prepoznavanje znakova), opcije za čitanje, opcije za neprekidni govor, opcije za uređivanje i drugo. Na ovo ćemo se vratiti kasnije. Nastavimo da istražimo osnovne stavke koje su dostupne u okviru za dijalog Brza podešavanja.
- Pritisnite TAB još jednom. Fokus se premešta na panel sa porukama za pomoć. Kako se krećete po stablu gore - dole prikazuje vam pomoć za promenu stavki koje su u fokusu. Koriste uobičajene tastere za čitanje da pročitate ovu pomoć.
- Pritisnite TAB još jednom. Fokus se premešta na polje za potvrdu Expand Tree View (prošiti prikaz u obliku stabla), koje je podrazumevano potvrđeno. Prečica za promenu stanja ovog polja za potvrdu i njegovo isključivanje je ALT+X.
- Pritisnite TAB ponovo. Fokus se pomera na dugme OK.
- Pritisnite TAB još jednom i fokus se vraća na uređivačko polje za pretraživanje.
- Postoji još jedan deo ovog okvira za dijalog u koji ne možete da se prebacite pomoću TAB. Nalazi se na desnoj strani okvira za dijalog. Zove se konfiguracijski panel. Ova oblast prikazuje razne kontrole, kao što su polja za potvrdu, radio dugmad i drugo na koje korisnici očuvanog vida mogu da kliknu pomoću miša. -
- Pritisnite F6. Fokus se premešta na konfiguracijski panel. F6 je prečica koja prebacuje u i iz konfiguracijskog panela. Pritiskom na TAB ili SHIFT+TAB se premeštamo između stavki u okviru panela. - U ovaj deo idete samo onda kada je potrebno da unesete podatke u polje za uređivanje.
- Pritisnite F6 još jedanput da se vratite na prikaz u obliku stabla. -
- Pritisnite STRELICA DOLE da istražite još neke od stavki. -
- - -
- Pritisnite prečicu da skinete potvrdu za polje za potvrdu za prošireni prikaz u obliku stabla, ALT+X. Fokus se premešta na polje za potvrdu, koje je sada nepotvrđeno.
- Pritisnite SHIFT+TAB dvaput da se vratite do prikaza u obliku stabla. Primetite da su sada General options (opšte opcije) zatvorene.
- Pritisnite DOWN ARROW nekoliko puta da istražite i druge velike grupe opcija koje možete da promenite za Notepad.
- Kada ste završili istraživanje ostalih stavki, pritisnite ALT+X ponovo i potvrdite polje za potvrdu. Fokus se vraća na polje za potvrdu, koje je sada ponovo potvrđeno. Svi prikazi u obliku stabla su ponovo prošireni.
- Pritisnite ESC da izađete iz ovog okvira za dijalog.
Još jedna stvar koju trebate da primetite u vezi sa okvirom za dijalog Brza podešavanja je ta da će neki programi imati više opcija od onih koje smo našli kod Notepad-a. Na primer, ako otvorimo Brza podešavanja u Microsoft Word naći ćemo "Word settings" iznad čvora "General settings" u prikazu u obliku stabla. Ako otvorimo Brza podešavanja u Internet pretraživaču (Internet Explorer) naći ćemo "Internet and the Virtual Cursor settings" iznad čvora "General settings" u prikazu u obliku stabla.
- - Možete da podesite koliko dugo će izmene podešavanja biti aktivne za pojedinačne aplikacije. Ovo je poznato kao stepene trajnosti (persistence levels). -
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6.2.2. Stepen trajnosti (Persistence Levels) Brzih podešavanja.
Podrazumevano, svaka promena koju učinite u Brzim podešavanjima se čuva na disku. Ovo znači da promene koje napravite će ostati i sledeći put kada isključite i ponovo pokrenete JAWS. To takođe znači da promene koje napravite će ostati i sledeći put kada isključite i ponovo pokrenete računar. A šta ako želite da promena bude privremena a ne trajna?
Još uvek mi je otvoren Notepad. Ako kod vas nije, molim vas, pokrenite ga ponovo.
- Fokus je na Notepad-u. Pritisnuću INSERT+V. Okvir za dijalog Brza podešavanja se otvara. Primetite da naslovna traka glasi "Quick Settings - NOTEPAD". Fokus je u uređivačkom polju za pretraživanje.
- Otkucajte typing. Brza podešavanja filtriraju sve osim jedne stavke, Typing Echo, u rezultatima pretrage. Ovo je odlično! Sada imamo veoma brz i jednostavan način da pronađemo i izmenimo potrebne stavke u JAWS-u. U ovom trenutku ne menjajte ništa.
- Pritisnite TAB da se pomerite na prikaz u obliku stabla. Fokus je na odjek tastature (Typing Echo) u grupi opcija za uređivanje. Čuo sam JAWS kako je saopštio "one of one items" (jedna od jedne stavke). Da sam hteo da izmenim odjek tastature (Typing Echo), pritisnuo bih SPACEBAR kako bih se prebacivao između različitih izbora. Za sada, ostajemo ovde kako bi smo razmatrali trajnost pre nego što učinimo bilo kakve promene.
- Prvo pritisnite ENTER da se pomerite na puni prikaz u obliku stabla. Fokus će i dalje biti na odjek tastature (Typing Echo) u grupi opcija za uređivanje.
Napomena: Out to the left side of each item in the tree view of Quick Settings is a small icon. This icon shows, by default, a picture representing save to disk. This means that the setting will be permanent until you decide to change it back. The icon changes to a different icon with each different persistency level as a visual indicator.
- Press the APPLICATION Key. Usually that is the third key out to the right side of the spacebar. A context menu appears. There are three choices available to you. Use the ARROW Keys to explore them.
- Restore setting when JAWS exits - This is the first item I heard when the context menu opened. If I choose this, the settings change I make will only be in effect for this session of JAWS. If I close and restart JAWS the setting will revert to the default setting. I will press DOWN ARROW.
- Restore setting when focus changes - If I choose this, the settings change will only last while I am in this window. As soon as I press ALT+TAB to move to another program the setting will revert to the default setting. If another program pops up another window in front of this program, the same will happen...the setting will revert to the default setting. I will press DOWN ARROW again.
- Save the setting (checked) - This is the default setting, and it saves the changes permanently to your local computer hard drive. Before changing any setting we recommend you FIRST set the desired persistency level for the item you wish to change.
- Let's make a change to the typing echo for Notepad. I want it to be temporary. Let's set it so that the change is restored when we switch to a new window. Press UP or DOWN ARROW to find restore setting when focus changes, and then press ENTER. Focus returns to the typing echo item in the tree view. The icon has changed, and I also hear JAWS announce that this will only last until focus changes.
- Next, change the setting for typing echo. Press SPACEBAR to change to a different level of typing echo than you normally use. I am going to change typing echo to words, and then I will press ENTER to close Quick Settings. Focus returns to the Notepad document.
- Try typing something into Notepad. I notice that typing echo has switched to words on my computer.
- Press ALT+TAB to move to a different application, and then ALT+TAB to return to Notepad. Now try typing. Typing echo is restored to my default setting which is characters.
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6.2.3. Izmena stepena trajnosti na celokupnom čvorištu.
One more thing you can do is set the persistence level for an entire node at one time. When you press the APPLICATION Key on the main level for each node, such as the General options node, you have the following three choices:
- Vrati sva podešavanja za ovaj čvor kada se izlazi iz JAWS-a.
- Vrati sva podešavanja za ovaj čvor kada se promeni fokus.
- Sačuvajte sva podešavanja za ovaj čvor.
6.2.4. Istorijat izmena (History of Changes) u Brzim podešavanjima.
The last item in the tree view of Quick Settings is a Last Changed Settings or history item. This group contains the last 25 options that were changed for an application or document. Note that once this group has 25 items, the last setting in the list is deleted when another item is added.
If you have the Quick Settings dialog box open, save any changes by activating the OK button or press ESC to close it without making any changes.
6.3. Centar za podešavanje (Settings Center)
JAWS Settings Center is a new feature that allows you to quickly configure and globally apply JAWS settings, or configure and apply settings for a specific application. It consolidates almost all options into one convenient dialog box. It includes a search edit box, which provides an extremely fast way to find and edit JAWS functionality. Settings Center continues to use JCF files and is a direct replacement for Configuration Manager.
6.4. Kako da pokrenete i zatvorite centar za podešavanja (Settings Center).
There are two basic ways to start Settings Center:
- Press INSERT+F2 to open the list of JAWS managers, and choose Settings Center.
To close Settings Center you have a couple of basic choices also, depending on whether you want to save the changes or not:
- To close Settings Center WITHOUT saving any changes, just press ESC, or navigate to the Cancel button.
- To close Settings Center and SAVE the changes, press ALT+F4 and choose Yes. Alternatively, press TAB until you reach the OK button and activate it.
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6.5. Pregled različitih delova prozora Settings Center - centra za podešavanje.
When you first open Settings Center focus initially lands in the Search edit box. You can move back to the Search edit box from anywhere in the Settings Center dialog box by pressing CTRL+E.
At the top of the Settings Center window is a title bar, much like what you find in most Windows programs. I have Notepad open. If you don't, go ahead and open it and then press INSERT+6 on the numbers row to open Settings Center. Press INSERT+T to read the title bar. The title bar contains the name of the application settings file you currently have loaded. For example, if you opened Settings Center from within Microsoft® Word 2010 the title bar reads Settings Center - WORD. Press CTRL+SHIFT+D to switch to the default file. The title bar should read JAWS Settings Center - Default (All Applications).
Napomena: Always remember to pay attention to the title bar when you open Settings Center, it tells you what application you are changing the settings for!
After the title bar at the top of the window, the next item from the top is the Application combo box. This shows the name of the application whose settings you are about to change. Below the Application combo box is the Search edit box. Below that on the left side of the screen is a tree view of different settings you can change. On the right side of the screen is the Configuration Display pane that actually shows the controls, such as radio buttons and check boxes that are being changed. Most of the time you don't have to move there. Near the bottom of the window, below the tree view and the configuration display pane is a read-only help text area. The text in this window is specific to whatever item is highlighted in the tree view. Finally, at the bottom of the window are Apply, OK, and Cancel buttons. The Apply button will not be available until you have actually made a change.
6.5.1. Combo Box - kombinovana lista aplikacije.
When Settings Center first opens, focus is in the Search edit box. The Application combo box is just above this, so press SHIFT+TAB to move there. If you were reading a Web page when you opened Settings Center, the application highlighted in the combo box is Internet Explorer. Settings Center always shows the name of the program you were in when it opens. For example, if you had been in Notepad when Settings Center opened, this combo box would say Notepad. That is because this gives you the ability to make changes that only affect the one program you were in when you started Settings Center. Sometimes you want to make changes to all programs, however.
Press HOME to move to the top of the list of items in the combo box. Notice that it says Default (All Applications). You don't have to move to the combo box to choose Default, however. If you want to switch to the Default settings just press CTRL+SHIFT+D when Settings Center opens.
6.5.2. Uređivačko polje za pretraživanje.
The keystroke to jump to the search edit box quickly is CTRL+E. This is a GREAT tool to help you find settings quickly and easily in JAWS. Typing a search word or phrase in the edit box reduces the number of items that appear in the tree view list below.
6.5.3. Tree View - prikaz u obliku stabla.
The tree view is where the major categories for changing settings are grouped. I'll press TAB to move to the tree view. Press UP or DOWN ARROW to move up and down the tree view. Press RIGHT ARROW to open a closed group, and LEFT ARROW to close an open group. You may also use first letter navigation to move to items in the tree view as long as they are not hidden inside of one of the closed groups.
Napomena: Pressing SPACEBAR on most items in the tree will toggle through the available choices for that item.
6.5.4. Tekst pomoći u oblastima koje su samo za čitanje.
Pressing TAB from the tree view moves the focus to a read only text area. Help for the tree view item you just moved from is given here. Use standard reading commands such as INSERT+DOWN ARROW to read all of the text or UP and DOWN ARROW to read the text by lines.
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6.5.5. Panel za prikaz konfiguracije.
One more part of Settings Center is the configuration display pane. As you move through the tree view, a sighted user can simultaneously track cursor movement using the configuration display pane. Press F6 to switch between the tree view and this pane. This is necessary when typing in an edit or edit spin box. Press CTRL+PAGE UP or CTRL+PAGE DOWN to switch between pages of settings. Press F6 again to return to the tree view. For now, press ESC to close Settings Center without saving any settings.
6.6. Vežbe - Korišćenje centra za podešavanje (Settings Center).
6.6.1. Promena postavki za odjek tastature (Typing Echo) u podrazumevanim postavkama.
Perform the following steps to change the typing echo in the default settings for JAWS:
- Press INSERT+F2 to open the Run JAWS Manager list.
- Press the letter S until you move to the Settings Center item and press ENTER.
- When Settings Center opens, press CTRL+SHIFT+D to switch to the default settings.
- The cursor is in the search edit box. Begin typing the word "typing," and after you type the first few letters you should hear JAWS announce the option for typing echo.
- Press DOWN ARROW and move to the tree view option for typing echo.
- Press the SPACEBAR until the value changes to words, or something other than what your normal setting is.
- Press TAB until you reach the OK button and press ENTER to activate it, or activate the Cancel button to exit without accepting the changes.
6.6.2. Promena postavki za Virtual Ribbon Menu - virtuelna paleta sa ikonicama.
Another new feature introduced in JAWS 12 is the ability to use virtual ribbon menus. The new virtual ribbon menu feature in JAWS allows for easier navigation of the ribbons in products such as Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010, and in a much more consistent fashion. Let's use Settings Center to explore this setting.
- First, press INSERT+F2 to open the list of JAWS Managers.
- Press S until you find Settings Center, and then press ENTER to open it.
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+D to switch to the default settings.
- Focus is in the search edit box of Settings Center. Type the letters r i b. The tree view of options in Settings Center changes to filter out everything except things that contain these letters.
- Press DOWN ARROW to move to the tree view. I hear there is one item, Use Virtual Ribbon Menu. You should also hear whether it is checked or not checked.
- Press SPACEBAR to toggle the check mark on or off. I am going to leave it checked on my computer.
- Press TAB when you are ready, and activate either the OK button or the Cancel button, depending on whether you want to save the changes or not. I will choose OK.
Napomena: Items with values contained in an edit box cannot be changed by pressing SPACEBAR. You must first press F6 to move to the configuration pane before changing the value.
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6.7. Poslednja promena podešavanja.
Sometimes after changing a setting in Settings Center you may decide you'd like to change the value back to its original setting or to a new value. Rather than retracing your steps to hunt for the setting, you can use the last changed settings item in the tree view to quickly find the last 25 settings you have changed. Do the following to practice locating the last changed settings list:
- Open Settings Center and press CTRL+SHIFT+D to switch to the default settings.
- Press TAB to move to the tree view of items.
- Press END to move to the bottom of the list and you will land on the last changed settings item.
- Press RIGHT ARROW to expand the tree view and scroll down to review the items in the list.
- Find the typing echo setting and change it back to your desired value and activate the OK button to accept the changes.
<- Nazad na: JAWS osnovna obuka: 6. Čuvanje podešavanja
6.8. Spisak JAWS Managers - rukovalaca JAWSom.
The list of JAWS managers can be accessed by pressing the key combination of INSERT+F2. I'll go ahead and do this now. Keep in mind that this list can change as time goes on, so if you find different items than I have here don't be surprised.
In a moment, I'm going to press DOWN ARROW to move through the list of JAWS Managers. However, before I do I should explain that items in this list now change depending on what program you are running when you open the list. For example, when you open the list of JAWS Managers in HTML documents or in Microsoft Word, you have three options that deal with Custom Labels. But if you are in Notepad or other programs, you will get a different single item called Prompt Create instead of Custom Labels. JAWS is smart enough to know which managers are used in which programs. I will cover them all, but realize that you may not hear the same thing if you did not launch the list of JAWS Managers from the same program as I did.
I am going to press ESC to get out of the list of managers and start Internet Explorer. I'll press INSERT+F2 to open the list of managers.
The managers currently listed include the following:
- Dodeli prilagođeno isticanje
- Custom Label
- Custom Label Delete
- Custom Label Delete All (Custom Label, Custom Label Delete, and Custom Label Delete All are only available in HTML, PDF, or Word documents)
- Customize List View
- Dictionary Manager - rukovaoc izgovorom reči
- Frame Viewer
- Graphics Labeler
- Keyboard Manager - rukovaoc tastature
- Mark Colors in Braille
- brze tastere za navigaciju
- If you open the run JAWS manager list in Notepad or outside of HTML, PDF, or Word documents, you will find Prompt Create here.
- Brza podešavanja (Quick Settings)
- Research It
- Script Manager - rukovaoc skripti
- Settings Center
- Settings Packager - pakovalac podešavanja
- Skim Reading Tool
- Window Class Reassign
I won't cover all of these managers in this training, but here is what the rest of them do in a nutshell.
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6.8.1. Dodela prilagođenog isticanja.
Custom Highlight Assign is used to specify colors that are then recognized by JAWS as highlighted. This is very useful in applications that do not use Windows standard colors, or do not allow you to modify preset color settings. For more information, please refer to Custom Highlight Colors in the JAWS Help System.
6.8.2. Prilagođena obeležja.
JAWS allows you to assign custom text labels to almost any HTML element that you can move to by pressing the TAB key in Internet Explorer, America Online, and HTML documents. These elements include text links, graphic links, form fields, and buttons. You can also label images on Web pages. The custom label feature is also available in Microsoft Word forms and PDF documents.
6.8.3. Brisanje prilagođenih obeležja.
This allows you to delete an existing label on a Web page or other document where Custom Labels are supported.
6.8.4. Brisanje svih prilagođenih obeležja.
This allows you to delete ALL existing labels on a Web page or other document where Custom Labels are supported.
6.8.5. Prilagođavanje List View - pregleda u obliku liste.
A list view is an area in a window or a dialog box that contains one or more items, such as files, folders, records, and so on. The list view usually contains multiple columns that display information about each item in the list. You can use the Customize List View feature to choose how JAWS provides you with information about those columns and items. Using this feature, you can do things like:
- Change the order in which JAWS reads columns in the list view.
- Tell JAWS not to speak certain columns or show them on your Braille display.
- Choose a voice alias that JAWS uses when reading column headers.
- Choose whether JAWS should speak column headers and/or display them in Braille.
- And so on
6.8.6. Dictionary Manager - rukovaoc izgovorom reči
The Dictionary manager lets you change the way JAWS speaks words, phrases, abbreviations, or symbols. If JAWS mispronounces your name, for example, you can change the pronunciation with the Dictionary manager. You can also assign a sound to play, speak the word in a different language, or any combination of these options.
6.8.7. Pregledač okvira (Frame Viewer).
Frame Viewer is where you work with frames. A frame is a rectangular section of the screen that can be any size up to the size of the whole screen. People often use frames to search for specific text that occurs in a certain part of the screen or for certain colors that might appear in a specific part of a window.
Frame Viewer allows you to move between them, move them, resize them, or open a frame's properties and adjust settings. I won't cover Frames in this training, but feel free to read more about frames in the JAWS Help system.
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6.8.8. Graphics Labeler - grafička obeležja.
Graphics Labeler allows you to assign text labels to graphics such as icons or toolbar buttons. The text labels are then automatically read when those labeled graphics are encountered by the active cursor. Some graphics are not labeled. In such a case you might hear, graphic 537 or graphic 236, and so on. The numbers you hear after the word graphic are assigned by JAWS to help differentiate between one graphic and another.
6.8.9. Keyboard Manager - rukovaoc tastature.
The Keyboard Manager controls the assignment of keystrokes to JAWS activities. All JAWS activities assigned to keystrokes are called scripts. A script is a small computer program that controls how JAWS reacts, and what you hear. When you press INSERT+T, for example, to read the title of a window, that is a script. Keyboard Manager maintains the relationship between the script and the keystroke.
6.8.10. Označavanje boja u Brajevom prikazu.
Mark Colors in Braille is used to specify text colors to be identified when a person is using a braille display. The text is then indicated by having dots 7 and 8 raised on the braille display.
6.8.11. Brzi tasteri za navigaciju.
Navigation Quick Keys are convenient keystrokes that let you quickly move around Web pages, PDF files, Word documents, and Outlook e-mail messages. Beginning with JAWS 10, you can now change the keystroke assigned to a quick key with any unassigned letter or number using the Navigation Quick Key Manager. You can also rearrange the keys already assigned.
6.8.12. Stvaranje oznaka za navođenje (Promopt).
Prompts are the labels spoken when you navigate to a control. However, these labels are not always automatically spoken. Use Prompt Creator to specify the label JAWS speaks for specific controls, and even include a custom tutor message to provide helpful navigation tips.
Napomena: If you are in an HTML document, a Microsoft Word document, or a PDF form, Prompt Create does not appear in the list of JAWS Managers. Instead, it is replaced in these programs by the Custom Label feature.
6.8.13. Research It - Pokreni pretragu.
Research It is a versatile tool that provides quick access to data while also making it easy to return to your primary task. It uses what is known as a lookup source and the Results Viewer, also new in JAWS 13, to find information, whether it is the meaning of a word, your local weather forecast, top news stories, sports scores, directions and information about a local business, and more. Using just a few keystrokes, you can launch Research It from any application on your computer.
6.8.14. Script Manager - rukovaoc skripti.
Script Manager is used to write and compile scripts, or small programs, that can change how JAWS behaves within applications. It is often used to enable JAWS to read programs that are initially not well written.
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6.8.15. Centar za podešavanje (Settings Center)
JAWS Settings Center provides a consistent interface and central access point for JAWS features and settings. Changes made to settings are saved in configuration files. Settings Center was introduced in JAWS 12 and replaces Configuration manager.
6.8.16. Settings Packager - pakovalac podešavanja.
Settings Packager is a program that allows you to import and export speech and sound schemes, PlaceMarkers, and personalized Web settings (including custom labels). For information about using this program, start Settings Packager, open the Help menu within it, and choose Help Topics.
6.8.17. Alatka za letimično čitanje
The Skim Reading feature lets you quickly browse through long documents by reading the first part of each paragraph. To begin skim reading in a document, press CTRL+INSERT+DOWN ARROW. By default, JAWS reads the first line of each paragraph, but you can choose to read the first sentence of each paragraph instead or set up your own skim reading rules. To change your skim reading preferences, press CTRL+SHIFT+INSERT+DOWN ARROW.
6.8.18. Promena Window Class - klasa Windows-ove kontrole.
A Windows class is a programming level label for a window or control. Some programs use non-standard Window classes, making it difficult for JAWS to recognize and read them properly. Windows Class Reassign allows you to tell JAWS to treat an unknown class as one that JAWS already recognizes.
There is abundant help on all of these topics in the JAWS Help system. If you are interested in learning more, spend some time reading through it at your leisure. For now, I'm going to move on to the next lesson.
<- Nazad na: JAWS osnovna obuka: 6. Čuvanje podešavanja
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