Za osobe koje ne mogu da koriste miša i tastaturu, a ne mogu da koriste ni tastere, postoji čitav niz senzora koji po funkciji zamenjuju tastere.
Tasteri kao deo asistivne tehnologije, odn. tasteri kao pomagala za osobe sa invaliditetom najčešće služe kao zamena za određene funkcije ili tastere na standardnoj računarskoj tastaturi ili mišu.
Gloria Ferrari doo nudi:
- Grasp - Switch
- Origin - Sip/Puff Switch with Headset
Grasp - Switch
The Grasp Switch is designed to be activated with a short, gentle squeeze or pinch. The user must be capable of releasing the squeeze within a short period of time. If the switch is held for over 2 seconds air is trapped in the cylinder and the switch will latch or lock on. If the user can not quickly release this pattern of movement the Grasp Switch is not the appropriate switch for them.
Prečnik: 45 mm
Dimenzije: 140 x 27 mm (prečnik)
Pritisak za aktivaciju: 300 g
Poreklo USA, Cena:
- Grasp - Switch: 350 GBP + PDV (ako se placa) ... Azurirano: 2024-09-27
u Srbiji ista u dinarima.
- Nazad na spisak raznih senzora kao tastera
Origin - Sip/Puff Switch with Headset
The Sip/Puff Switch has two 3.5 mm ports for connecting two standard mono cables or a single stereo cable and has integrated test buttons to assist in application testing.
Sip/Puff Headset is a comfortable, adjustable head frame. The padded headset slips over the ears and behind the head. A replaceable mouth tube is held in position with an integral stainless steel forming wire. The tube and wire can be bent and cut to adapt to individual needs.
Sip/Puff Switch with Headset includes:
- Sip/Puff Switch with integrated "sip" and "puff" pressure switches (no external power required)
- Sip/Puff Headset with attached 6-foot (1.8-meter) air tube and twist connector for attaching to Sip/Puff Switch
- Two (2) 5–foot cables, one mono and one stereo
- Four (4) Sip/Puff Mouth Tubes with integral stainless steel forming wire (one attached to Sip/Puff Headset)
- Documentation
- 1-year limited warrant
Poreklo USA, Cena:
- Origin - Sip/Puff Switch with Headset: 410 EUR + PDV (ako se placa) ... Azurirano: 2024-09-28
u Srbiji ista u dinarima.
- Nazad na spisak raznih senzora kao tastera
Tema/slično: asistivne tehnologije / pomagala za osobe sa telesnim invaliditetom (telesne invalide, osobe sa telesnim hendikepom), asistivne tehnologije / pomagala za osobe sa motoričkim smetnjama - teškoćama - problemima.